
Inhabiting Spaces Once Appearing Vacant

A Poem of Finding My Way Back

Skye Nicholson
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2023


Image by author | Trail 5 | Brown County State Park, IN

My bike tires are a bit flat from a season of disuse,
But I don’t care. I have to get out in this blue-bright day.
I ride hard, the sun sucking the salt from my tongue and
My cheeks burn from busy capillaries.
I need to remember what it feels like to inhabit my body —
Which muscles move my legs
And how the…



Skye Nicholson

Woman, mom, teacher, writer, unicorn-lover, tree-hugger, magic-seeker, fox spirit, crier, human. Writing about life: my years of drinking and my awakening.